Under Windows environment Oracle offers ORADIM utility in order to manage your database: you can create, stop, start an instance using this command-prompt tool.
This can be invoked from $ORACLE_HOME\bin directory.
The shutdown script can look like this. Open and edit a notepad file, and save it with extension .bat:
$ORACLE_HOME\BIN\oradim -shutdown -sid YOUR_SID -syspwd YOUR_SYSPW -shuttype SRVC,INST -shutmode immediate
$ORACLE_HOME\BIN\lsnrctl stop
The startup script can look like this:
$ORACLE_HOME\BIN\lsnrctl start
$ORACLE_HOME\BIN\oradim -startup -sid YOUR_SID -syspwd YOUR_SYSPW -starttype SRVC,INST
The SRVC,INST refer to service and instance.
Below is the full option details available for oradim utility.
D:\app\hberca\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>oradim -h
DIM-00002: The specified command was invalid.
Enter one of the following command:
Create an instance by specifying the following options:
-NEW -SID sid | -SRVC srvc | -ASMSID sid | -ASMSRVC srvc [-SYSPWD pass]
[-STARTMODE auto|manual] [-SRVCSTART system|demand] [-PFILE file | -SPFILE]
[-SHUTMODE normal|immediate|abort] [-TIMEOUT secs] [-RUNAS osusr/ospass]
Edit an instance by specifying the following options:
-EDIT -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass]
[-STARTMODE auto|manual] [-SRVCSTART system|demand] [-PFILE file | -SPFILE]
[-SHUTMODE normal|immediate|abort] [-SHUTTYPE srvc|inst] [-RUNAS osusr/ospass]
Delete instances by specifying the following options:
-DELETE -SID sid | -ASMSID sid | -SRVC srvc | -ASMSRVC srvc
Startup services and instance by specifying the following options:
-STARTUP -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass]
[-STARTTYPE srvc|inst|srvc,inst] [-PFILE filename | -SPFILE]
Shutdown service and instance by specifying the following options:
-SHUTDOWN -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass]
[-SHUTTYPE srvc|inst|srvc,inst] [-SHUTMODE normal|immediate|abort]
Query for help by specifying the following parameters: -? | -h | -help